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Tuesday, 03 February 2009 22:42
Deep Ocean Circulation Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document Robert Simmon, NASA. Minor modifications by Robert A. Rohde (Public Domain) Background: Circulation ...
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Tuesday, 03 February 2009 19:17
Ocean Surface Currents Activity
Back to Polar Oceans Page Back to Polar Oceans Educational Activities Page This activity can also be downloaded as a Word document. Image from ...
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Friday, 16 May 2008 18:29
Polar Land and Life: Educational Activity
Return to Main Land and Life Page
Layers of perennially frozen ground known as permafrost exist under about 20% of the Earth’s surface. Permafrost occurs on land in both the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as beneath the ocean around the Arctic coast and in many high mountain areas. Seasonal thawing and freezing of the soil forms a shallow active layer that overlies the permafrost. In contrast, deep permafrost, frozen to depths of 500 to 1000 meters, may have existed in a frozen state for thousands of years. Frozen soils have greater mechanical stability than unfrozen soils. Permafrost degradation can cause problems for roads, pipelines ...
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Wednesday, 07 May 2008 23:13
Polar Land and Life: Links and Resources
Return to Main Land and Life page Here is a list of IPY projects studying Land and Life. In addition, there are several organisations that have further information and activities. Land: Glacier and Permafrost Hazards in Mountains (GAPHAZ) Antarctic Permafrost and ...
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Friday, 07 September 2007 14:53
Activity time: 20-30 minutes + freezing time
PDF version, with pictures, to download: Sea ice and circulation activity.pdf
The freezing temperature of water depends on the amount of dissolved salts (salinity). Normal ocean water, with a salinity of about 3.4%, begins to freeze when temperatures reach about -1.9°C. At its maximum extent in the winter, sea ice covers about 19 million square kilometres of the Southern Ocean near Antarctica. Approximately 80% of this ice melts each summer, contributing to the global mixing of ocean water.
Vertical mixing of ocean water, known as ‘overturning circulation’ or ‘thermohaline...
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Tuesday, 20 March 2007 22:14
The Arctic Arc expedition: education and science through adventure
Educational resources and activities
By following-up on the expedition's progress, teachers and their students will learn about various polar topics of importance.
All through the Arctic Arc expedition (from February to June 2007), teaching tools, multimedia animations, picture galleries, ...
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Wednesday, 21 March 2007 19:15
The Arctic Arc expedition: education and science through adventure
Educational resources and activities
By following-up on the expedition's progress, teachers and their students will learn about various polar topics of importance.
All through the Arctic Arc expedition (from February to June 2007), teaching tools, multimedia animations, picture galleries, inte...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 17 March 2007 16:21
Earth's Polar Regions
Cape Farewell Education aims to:
facilitate learning about climate change and participation in the climate change debate among teachers and pupils in UK schools.
give school students a voice in the climate change debate and to enable them to take what they have learnt and talked about back home into their communities and families
spread enthusiasm and strategies for learning about climate change throughout UK schools.
We have a number of resources available to teachers and pupils
Life in the Water is a GSCE Science resource commissioned by Nuffield Curriculum Centre and developed with scientists at the National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton as part of the 21st centu...
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Saturday, 17 March 2007 16:00
Cape Farewell Education
Cape Farewell Education aims to:
facilitate learning about climate change and participation in the climate change debate among teachers and pupils in UK schools.
give school students a voice in the climate change debate and to enable them to take what they have learnt and talked about back home into their communities and families
spread enthusiasm and strategies for learning about climate change throughout UK schools.
We have a number of resources available to teachers and pupils
Life in the Water is a GSCE Science resource commissioned by Nuffield Curriculum Centre and developed with scientists at the National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton as part of the 21st centu...
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Tuesday, 16 January 2007 22:00
I Scream-You Scream-We all Scream for Ice Cream!
The sea near McMurdo Station, Antarctica, is -2° C, but the water is not frozen at that temperature. Why? In this activity, students can explore some of the properties of water and ice by making their own ice cream.
MATERIALS: (per pair of students)
2 heavy duty ziploc bags per student—1 large and 1 small
½ cup milk 1 Tablespoon sugar ½ teapoon vanilla
Ice salt 2 spoons 2 bowls
1. Place the milk, vanilla and sugar in the small Ziploc bag and carefully close it, being sure there are no leaks.
2. Place the small bag inside the larger one.
3. Surround the small bag with ice to ½ the large bag capacity.
4. Give each pair of students a differen...
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